The Presistent of HUE Faculty, Inc Mr. Luong Minh Trung & MEL India founder Prof.Dr.Dame.M.Amalavathy with The Director Mr.V.N.Raman & Asst. Dir Mrs. Ashwini CH


We are happy to announce that from South to North India, up until now (Jan 2024), we have a total of 10000 students who joined our school. We conduct the courses from 01-HUE Basic Level to 08-HUE Science & Spirituality II (former Level 20). Our school has 19 well-trained HUE Instructors who can conduct the different levels.

Right now, seminars are conducted in four languages:  Tamil, English, Kannada & Hindi. Every year in December we publish the tentative program for the coming year.  This allows the public to have enough time to think and register for the courses. The specialty of this spiritual school is, to lead you onto the right path and guide you to fulfill your mission on earth. It is above all the religions based on “One God and One Humanity”. Our motto is “Only human can help human”.

As an extension to our work, the M.E.L. Trust conducts a Healing Centre which is known as the MEL ASHA.  MEL ASHA trains students for natural therapies and for spiritual counseling. The students who complete these trainings earn a BSS Central Government Certificate.

The M.E.L. Trust also gives public education and conducts awareness programs for the general public, which covers schools and colleges. All of this falls under the MEL LOTUS.

M.E.L. India has acquired a two and a half acre land at Thiruchirapalli in India, where we do research on agriculture, which in the future may become an Ashram. This is named the MEL DHANYA.