Human Universal Energy ® & Spiritual Yoga

Human and Universal Energy ®  The primary objective of the educational program is to support the practitioner / student to enhance the mental state in order to deal easier with the daily challenges, to relieve stress and improve the power of concentration to achieve health, happiness and mental development for himself as well as for his fellow men.

It is based on the concept that a balance in the energetic state of the body and mind can be viewed as a condition of wellbeing or good health. If the body received the sufficient energy that can flow freely throughout the body without any blockade, it has a better chance of maintaining this state of wellbeing.

One of the reasons that cause the depletion of energy in the body is mental or physical stress. In a daily routine, the factors of working constantly, worrying too much, thinking continuously and disturbing fear can influence the flow of energy. As a result, these strains can take a toll on the body and mind. The body cannot eat or sleep well, the immune system is weakened, the brain is overworked, etc. The mind cannot focus, the emotion is out-of-control (moody), the decision process is irrational, etc. If this condition is prolonged, a person can eventually get sick physically or mentally.

According to the energetic concept in the HUE educational program, everything exists as Energy. Therefore, the technique of “energy-transfer” can be applied to help an affected (imbalanced) part of the body with the aim to clear the blockade and restore the normal energy flow to it. As a result, this process can gradually help to regain the energetic balance in the body and ultimately recovers its health and overall state of wellbeing.

Depending on the individual condition of each person, in terms of the physical, psychological and environmental factors, the application of energy-transfer can help to strengthen the immune system. Due to the unity of the body, mind and soul, the first sign of improvements can be detected on a psychological level (mind-level). From a positive mindset, this person will be able to focus better in order to improve the chance of recovery.

The educational program is not a medical treatment. It doesn’t use drugs or medicine, and complementary to any medical treatment. It is never considered as a substitute for the regular practice of medicine. It is solely applied additionally (complementary). In a broader sense it is a technique of meditation.

In order to apply the energy-transfer techniques effectively, you need to learn the proper method and have your energy-centers (Chakras) activated, which will enable you to receive and transfer the flow of Universal Energy effectively to help yourself or other people. This method is taught in the seminars. The authentic educational program in Human and Universal Energy ® consists of 4 levels (Basic-, Intermediate-,Advanced-, Specialized-) with a total number of 8 seminar units (01 HUE to 08 HUE, former Level 1 – Level 20). After completion of the 01 HUE Basic-Level, a practical application in everyday-life, family and profession is possible right away.

“Only Human; can Help Human” – Master Dang

HUE Faculty, Inc., Officially recognized partner with authorization to teach

The original and authentic training program of Human Universal Energy®(HUE) after Mr. LuongMinhDang®


We conduct the courses from 01-HUE Basic Level to 08-HUE Science & Spirituality II (former Level 20). Our school has 19 well-trained HUE Instructors who can conduct the different levels.

Right now, seminars are conducted in four languages:  Tamil, English, Kannada & Hindi. Every year in December we publish the tentative program for the coming year.  This allows the public to have enough time to think and register for the courses. The specialty of this spiritual school is, to lead you onto the right path and guide you to fulfill your mission on earth. It is above all the religions based on “One God and One Humanity”. Our motto is “Only human can help human”.

As an extension to our work, the M.E.L. Trust conducts a Healing Centre which is known as the MEL ASHA.  MEL ASHA is the Public Skill Institute trains students for Drugless therapies and for spiritual counseling. The students who complete these trainings get a BSS Central Government CertificateNew Delhi. and World Skill Counsel London certificate.

The M.E.L. Trust also gives public education and conducts awareness programs for the general public, which covers schools and colleges. Year 2025 we start MEL-LOTUS SHEM ROCK PRESCHOOL recognized by Shem Rock LLP. All of this falls under the MEL LOTUS.

M.E.L. India has acquired a 14 acres of land at Kanyakumari Dist in India, where we do research on agriculture and future it may turn into Ashram, This is named the MEL DHANYA. (Dang Hill, LONG HOA GARDEN) 


“Acceptance gives absolute freedom”

-Master dang